Skugga Skugga Skugga

Publicerad den 18 oktober 2010
Skanderborg GM 2010 Round 1-3

When the organizers invited Nils Grandelius, who is busy at the youth world championship in Greece, I asked if I could play instead. Not quite an equal replacement, but no harm in asking, I thought. I was kindley invited. Here in Denmark I stay with Igor Teplyi in Århus, a real chess town with at least four GM:s and ten IM:s.

In the first round I was white against Nicolai Vesterbaek Pedersen. I noticed that he avoided the Catalan after most move orders, but not after the one I chose. Igor helped me with the preperation and guessed which line Nicolai was going to play, even though he had never played it before! I improved on current theory, got a nice position and won without much problems.

In the second round I faced Igor. He has just started to play 1.d4, so I thought it was clever to chose an unusual opening. In the end I went for the Accepted Queens Gambit for the first time in a serious game and got a playable position. Quite soon I had a accumulated a lot of positional advantages and must have been winning, but the best I could finally get was a position with queen against king - but where he is stalemated. You have to play exact to win, and I did apparently not.

This day it was a doubleround. Since I had played very badly in double rounds the last year I was saticficed with a draw against Vladimir Petkov, but after I had developed my pieces normally I got a promising position, so I decided to try for something. In an ending with two rooks against a queen, my general feeling is that I missed some good opportunities to win. Leko-Kramnik from the World Championship match 2004 is a good example of how you should play. Axel Smith, Skanderborg, October 18th, 2010


  Hans Tikkanen
  Nils Grandelius
  Tiger Hillarp
  Jesper Hall
  Axel Smith
  Jasmin Bejtovic
  Silas Lund
  Sebastian Nilsson
  Mladen Gajic
  Drazen Dragicevic
  Linus Olsson

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Skugga Skugga Skugga